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General Information
Buckner Terrace Montessori is noted for its commitment to excellence in the classroom and beyond. The school community endeavors to live up to the respected reputation of the person for whom the school was formerly named (Edna Rowe), who selflessly dedicated her life to educating and nurturing children in the Dallas ISD for 40 years.
The climate at Buckner Terrace Montessori fosters and promotes lifelong learning as the expectation for all. Students receive quality, rigorous instruction that meets the needs of diverse learning styles. Teachers avail themselves to current research-based professional learning to increase their effectiveness in the learning environment. Parents participate in campus projects and workshops.
Buckner Terrace Montessori is located in the heart of the historic Buckner Terrace neighborhood of East Dallas. The diversity of our school mirrors that of the district; learning, embracing, celebrating, and meshing the rich cultural heritages of Hispanic Americans and African Americans. Buckner Terrace Montessori's emphasis on learner-centered education is best observed during our student-led parent conferences held twice per semester.